Professor Sven Laumer is a recognized expert in the field of the future of work and regularly gives talks on his research findings and his views on this topic. He is a sought-after key note speaker who knows how to inspire his audience with sound information from science and inspiring impulses from this.
Sven Laumer enjoys discussing scientific results and practice-relevant topics and contributes his experience from numerous research projects. His lectures are a great way to learn more about the future of work and the challenges it faces.
If you are interested in a lecture by Professor Sven Laumer or would like to book him as a speaker for your event, please feel free to contact him or the Schöller Research Laboratory directly. Together we can advance the exchange between science and practice and find solutions for the challenges of the future of work.
The following talks were recently given by Sven Laumer:
Prof. Dr. Sven Laumer summarized the results of the chair’s research as well as initial findings and hypotheses on the post-Corona era in his presentation “Successful New Work: Theories, Empirical Studies and Hypotheses on Hybrid Working”, and these are currently being explored in greater depth in further contributions and studies.